Fuest, StefanGnauck, AlbrechtHeinrich, Ralph2019-09-162019-09-162003https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/27120Knowledge about the current environmental situation is necessary if immediate decisions are to be made about the production of mankind, nature and cultural assets. Up-to-date information about water levels are therefore of high significance, when water levels breach the banks of rivers and lead flooding problems. This has been a reason for the regional environmental authority of NRW to provide all of the local authorities belonging to the region with an intranet-based information system. These authorities now have access to up-to-date water level data (< 15 minute) which can be processed in the form of maps, lists and time series graphs. Furthermore, the system can be configured in several different ways by an administrator. This is also done through the use of Browser technology. The system is based on modern technology (ArcIMS as an internet map server and WISKI as a water resources management information system) as well as high standards (WMS data processing of the WISKI data for cartographic representation).Online — Visualization of Water Level Data in North Rhine-Westfalia (NRW)Text/Conference Paper