Müller, PaulSchwerdel, DennisMüller, PaulNeumair, BernhardReiser, HelmutRodosek, Gabi Dreo2018-11-142018-11-142012978-3-88579-297-0https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/18177The G-Lab project aims to investigate new networking paradigms and algorithms for a future internetworking architecture in an experimental manner. Thus the G-Lab project consists of a spiral process of two major fields of activities: research studies of future network components and their experimental design within an experimental facility. Both activities are controlled by the same community to ensure that the experimental facility fits to the demand of researchers. Researchers gain access to virtualized resources or may also gain exclusive access to resources if necessary. This paper presents the current setup of the G-Lab experimental facility, and puts the platform into an international context.enG-lab - an experimental facility for future Internet research and its international contextText/Conference Paper1617-5468