Haag, FlorianRaschke, MichaelErtl, ThomasGoltz, UrsulaMagnor, MarcusAppelrath, Hans-JürgenMatthies, Herbert K.Balke, Wolf-TiloWolf, Lars2018-11-062018-11-062012978-3-88579-602-2https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/17905Systems for browsing and finding information in the vast amount of data available on the web keep growing in complexity. To alleviate this complexity for queries, various visualization techniques have been developed in the past. We have examined the filter/flow concept. This paper presents a transformation schema for filter/flow graphs to make them even more intuitively usable and to support distributed collaborative use. For that schema, several possibilities for transformating the visualization and various factors that may influence that transformation are discussed. Fi- nally, the schema is further explained based on a trip planning example scenario.enAdaptable filter graphs – Towards highly-configurable query visualizationsText/Conference Paper1617-5468