Hagel, NathanDhungana, DeepakLambers, LeenBonorden, LeifHenning, Sören2024-02-142024-02-142024https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/43512Nowadays, distributed applications are often not statically deployed on virtual machines. Instead, a desired state is defined declaratively. A control loop then tries to create the desired state in a cluster. To predict the impact on the performance of a system using these deployment techniques is difficult. This paper introduces a method to predict the performance impact of the usage of containers and container orchestration in the deployment of a system. Our proposed approach enables system simulation and experimentation with various mechanisms of container orchestration, including autoscaling and container scheduling using the Palladio-Component-Model (PCM). We validated this approach using a Kubernetes reference cluster which we modelled using a workflow defined in the authors bachelor thesis [Ha22] [Ha23]. Our findings suggest, that the most common concepts in container orchestration can be modelled and simulated using Palladio and the PCM-Extension of [Ha22].enContainerPerformance PredictionContainer OrchestrationModeling and Simulation of Dynamic Containerized Software Architectures using PalladioText/Conference Paper10.18420/sw2024-ws_15