J. Pandit, HarshvardhanJesus, VitorAmmai, ShankarLizar, MarkD’Agostino, SalvatoreRoßnagel, HeikoSchunck, Christian H.Mödersheim, Sebastian2021-05-202021-05-202021978-3-88579-706-7https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/36495This article outlines issues in the current ecosystem of data sharing based on consent and the role of identity and identification. It argues how the consent mechanism is hostile to individuals in the form of: (a) inscrutable third parties who remain largely unknown; (b) denying ability to identify and manage consent; and (c) lack of technological solution. The article discusses the role and feasibility of Consent Receipts, and presents its role in the Privacy as Expected: Consent Gateway (PaE:CG) project for the future of accountable identity and identification mechanisms for consent.enConsentIdentityIdentificationAccountabilityGDPRRole of Identity, Identification, and Receipts for ConsentText/Conference Paper1617-5468