Fellmann, MichaelLantow, BirgerSandkuhl, KurtKoschmider, AgnesWeidlich, Matthias2020-05-142020-05-142020978-3-88579-698-5https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/33134The paper presents the general orientation, research topics and contribution to the EMISA special interest group of Rostock University’s research group on Business Information Systems, which is part of the Institute of Computer Science in the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.enEnterprise ModellingCapability ManagementEnterprise Architecture ManagementDigital BusinessKnowledge ManagementSmart Process ManagementMobile ComputingWearable ComputingReference ModellingThe Research Group Business Information Systems at the University of Rostock .Text/Conference Paper1617-5468