Karnowski, LukasSchüle, Maximilian E.Kemper, AlfonsNeumann, ThomasKai-Uwe SattlerMelanie HerschelWolfgang Lehner2021-03-162021-03-162021978-3-88579-705-0https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/35811Online lexicons such as Wikipedia rely on incremental edits that change text strings marginally. To support text versioning inside of the Umbra database system, this study presents the implementation of a dedicated data type. This versioning data type is designed for maximal throughput as it stores the latest string as a whole and computes previous ones using backward diffs. Using this data type for Wikipedia articles, we achieve a compression rate of up to 5% and outperform the traditional text data type, when storing each version as one tuple individually, by an order of magnitude.enUmbra as a Time Machine10.18420/btw2021-06Adding a Versioning Type to SQL1617-5468