Di Maria, MarcoWalter, DavidKnackstedt, RalfKlein, MaikeKrupka, DanielWinter, CorneliaWohlgemuth, Volker2023-11-292023-11-292023978-3-88579-731-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/43066In response to changes within and outside their boundaries, ecosystems need to constantly adapt. Thus, interorganizational learning becomes a vital process to facilitate this adaptation. To support interorganizational learning, ecosystems can apply unlearning. As part of overall learning, it refers to the process of deliberately abandoning obsolete beliefs or routines. However, it remains an open issue how unlearning unfolds on the interorganizational level. To address this issue, we provide an initial definition, five research directions, and a research project plan. Thereby, we hope to provide useful stepping stones for researchers of ecosystems, sustainability, and unlearning. For ecosystem practitioners, our goal is to encourage sustainable knowledge management through the design of support tools for interorganizational unlearning.enEcosystemsInterorganizational UnlearningSustainabilityKnowledge ManagementPromoting Sustainable Ecosystems through Interorganizational Unlearning – A Call for ResearchText/Conference Paper10.18420/inf2023_1421617-5468