Müller-Lietzkow, JörgDadam, PeterReichert, Manfred2019-10-112019-10-1120043-88579-380-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/28684In 1991 nobody really expected to discuss the question, if the real threat for the future of Microsoft will be an OS created by a student, distributed freely and developed by thousands of unknown helping hands. Thirteen years later, the question is no longer if Linux is a threat to Microsoft. Now, the question aims in a different direction. Today many great ICT-Players discuss how to use the “free resource” Open Source to generate yields and a sustainable competitive advantage. Vanguards of this evolution are Linux distributors. As the “commercial face” of Linux, it will be discussed, why and how these companies can create values and competitive advantages using “free” resources under a resource-based perspective.enFree resources and the resource-based viewText/Conference Paper1617-5468