Riemer, MartinBogon, JohannaRußwinkel, NeleHenze, NielsWiese, EvaHalbhuber, DavidThomaschke, Roland2023-08-242023-08-242023https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/42073Time perception is an integral aspect of human experience and has numerous implications for the communication between humans and computers. When interacting with computers, user experience is often compromised by non-optimal latency and temporal misperception. In this workshop, we gather scientists from diverse research fields (including Human-Computer Interaction, Psychology, Computer Sciences, and Design) to discuss the possibilities of altering the temporal experience of users of interactive systems and to reflect on the potential benefits and risks of such a systematic manipulation. This workshop aims to foster a shared understanding of imminent research questions at the intersection of time perception and HCI research and to identify strategies for tackling them in collaborative projects.TimeDurationHuman-Robot InteractionVirtual RealityGamingTime and Timing in Human-Computer InteractionText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2023-mci-ws05-106