Declerck, ThierryKrieger, Hans-UlrichAbramowicz, WitoldMayr, Heinrich C.2019-08-122019-08-1220062-88579-179-X the context of the eTen project, WINS, a web-based business intelligence service to public and private financial institutions has been designed and implemented. One of the goals of the project was to provide new financial knowledge on companies from information gathered through interoperable information services. The services were implemented under the new emerging standard XBRL used for financial reporting. We sketch how relevant financial information was extracted from annual financial reportings. We also show at the same time the limitations we encountererd with the XBRL schema, due to the lack of reasoning support over XML-based data and information extracted from documents. To overcome these difficulties, we describe the “ontologization” of XBRL, which we assume to be a necessary requisite for large intelligent web-based financial information and decision support systems.enTranslating XBRL into description logic. An approach using protégé, sesame & OWLText/Conference Paper1617-5468