Thüm, ThomasLeich,ThomasKrieter, SebastianSchaefer, InaKaragiannis, DimitrisVogelsang, AndreasMéndez, DanielSeidl, Christoph2018-01-232018-01-232018978-3-88579-674-9 is an open-source framework to model, develop, and analyze feature-oriented software product lines. It is mainly developed in a cooperation between TU Braunschweig, University of Magdeburg, and Metop GmbH. Nevertheless, many other institutions contributed to it in the past decade. Goal of this tutorial is to illustrate how FeatureIDE can be used to develop software around end-user features. We will show how feature models are connected to and synchronized with other artifacts. The hands-on tutorial will be highly interactive and is devoted to practitioners facing problems with variability, lecturers teaching product lines, and researchers who want to safe resources in building product-line tools.ensoftware product linesfeature-oriented software developmentfeature modelingproduct configurationfeature traceabilityconsistency checkingEclipseFeatureIDEFeature Modeling and Development with FeatureIDEText/Conference Paper1617-5468