Kricke, MatthiasGrimmer, MartinSchmeißer, MichaelMitschang, BernhardNicklas, DanielaLeymann, FrankSchöning, HaraldHerschel, MelanieTeubner, JensHärder, TheoKopp, OliverWieland, Matthias2017-06-212017-06-212017978-3-88579-660-2The ability to recompute results from raw data at any time is important for data-driven companies to ensure data stability and to selectively incorporate new data into an already delivered data product. When external systems are used or data changes over time this becomes even more challenging. In this paper, we propose a system architecture which ensures recomputability of results from big data transformation workflows on internal and external systems by using distributed key-value data stores.enBigDatarecomputabilitybitemporalitytime-to-consistencyPreserving Recomputability of Results from Big Data Transformation WorkflowsText/Conference Paper1617-5468