Joisten, MartinaGross, Tom2017-11-222017-11-222007978-3-486-58496-7 is a multimedia communication tool integrating Voice-over-IP (VoIP), Instant Messaging (IM) and video that can be used to support Real-Time-Collaboration (RTC) in the workplace. In this paper, we describe the adoption and use of Skype in dispersed teams in organizations. We show how Skype users evolve common conventions about using awareness information and modify their communication behaviour in mutual negotiation. We explain how this process of renegotiating routines for interaction during adoption is influenced by accustomed use patterns derived not only from pervasive telephony, but also IM. Our findings support Aoki & Woodruff’s (2005) postulation that ambiguity is crucial for (computer-mediated) interaction and show that hybrid media stimulate hybrid forms of communication.enRenegotiating Interaction Routines: Adoption of Skype in the WorkplaceText/Workshop Paper