Rosskopf, KarinWagner, PeterWenkel, K.-O.Wagner, P.Morgenstern, M.Luzi, K.Eisermann, P.2019-08-262019-08-2620063-88579-172-2 is a knowledge-intensive business. This paper is going to expand the discussions on ICT adoption to the field of knowledge management. The question is not any more if a computer with Internet access is available, but rather for what knowledge processes it is used for. For this, the results of empirical studies over the last four years in Germany will be presented. The results display, that farmers focus the ICT use on knowledge generation and storage, but not to the same extent for interactive knowledge sharing processes. Farmer's are regarding the Internet as their most important information source, followed by agricultural journals and the state extension service. Lack of training and benefits are the main ICT adoption barriers.deVom Daten- zum Wissensmanagement: Wofür verwenden Landwirte einen Computer?Text/Conference Paper1617-5468