Meißner, NiklasSpeth, SandroKieslinger, JulianBecker, SteffenSchmolitzky, AxelKlikovits, Stefan2024-03-122024-03-122024978-3-88579-255-0 quizzes after lectures, educational videos, or chapters are a commonly used method in software engineering (SE) education to give students the opportunity to test their gained knowledge. However, the creation of these quizzes is time-consuming, cognitively exhausting, and complex, as an expert in the field needs to create the quizzes and review the lecture material for validity. Therefore, this paper presents a concept to automatically generate self-assessment quizzes based on lecture material using a large language model (LLM) to reduce lecturers' workload and simplify the ...enSelf-AssessmentSoftware Engineering EducationAutomatic Question GenerationGPT-4Prompt EngineeringEvalQuiz – LLM-based Automated Generation of Self-Assessment Quizzes in Software Engineering EducationText/Conference Paper10.18420/seuh2024_041617-5468