Hacks, SimonLichter, HorstEibl, MaximilianGaedke, Martin2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-669-5Within this paper, we present a technique to optimize the relations between two adjacent layers of Enterprise Architectures (EA). Therefore, we suggest to interpret the constraints between these two layers as triangles, where a needed capability of an upper layer element is realized by a lower layer element. This eases the communication of the optimization model e.g. to the management. Moreover, we propose a mapping between the elements of our technique to the widely accepted ArchiMate notation to enable the application of our technique in existing organizations.enEnterprise ArchitectureEnterprise Architecture ManagementLinear Integer ProgrammingOptimizationArchiMateOptimizing Enterprise Architectures Using Linear Integer Programming Techniques10.18420/in2017_591617-5468