Zender, RaphaelDressler, EnricoLucke, UlrikeTavangarian, DjamshidErfurth, ChristianEichler, GeraldSchau, Volkmar2019-02-202019-02-202009978-3-88579-242-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/20433This article describes the use of a service-oriented architecture to bridge the gap between different eLearning types and tools. The basic concept is a bi-directional distribution of web services provided by different eLearning environments. This is exemplarily verified by a combination of lectures that are held in a modern media supported lecture room with tools of the computer-aided face-to-face learning paradigm and within a virtual learning environment (Second Life). The new service-based approach allows a flexible and systematic coupling of virtual and face-to-face teaching and learning to a cross-technology learning community.enBi-directional distribution of elearning content for cross-technology learning communitiesText/Conference Paper1617-5468