Meixner, BrittaKandlbinder, KlausSiegel, BeateLehner, FranzKosch, HaraldKohl, AndreasReiterer, HaraldDeussen, Oliver2017-11-222017-11-222012978-3-486-71879-9 players for interactive non-linear videos exist in the web nowadays. Each player provides commonly known buttons as well as buttons triggering additional functions of the player or the video presentation. Additional buttons show a large variety of different icons. This work examines which functions and GUI-elements users expect from players for interactive non-linear videos. Therefore the layout of buttons in existing web-players is tested for its intelligibility. User s expectations are determined in a second step. Used methods are a labeling exercise/questionnaire and a paper prototyping.enPlayerInteractiveNon-linearGUIUsabilityWhat Users Expect from Players for Interactive (Non-linear) VideosText/Workshop Paper