Geisel, VictoriaSchindler, ChristianStein, NilsBente, StefanSchmolitzky, AxelKlikovits, Stefan2024-03-122024-03-122024978-3-88579-255-0 education may cultivate independent study by design of supportive environments for students. Recent proliferation of generative AI tools has had a significant impact on this. The extent to which successfull scholarship is influenced by these tools is the subject of current research and the focus of this study. Tasks in the field of databases with different competence levels and didactic goals were solved by students with the help of GPT-3.5. Intellectual performance and success were then evaluated. The results show that integration of generative language models has the potential ...deKünstliche IntelligenzHochschullehreBildungspraktikenLernprozesseChatGPTLernraumgenerative SprachmodelleSoftware EngineeringLernräume unter Verwendung von generativen SprachmodellenText/Conference Paper10.18420/seuh2024_091617-5468