Baumann, TimoHussein, HusseinMeyer-Sickendiek, BurkhardElbeshausen, JasperDraude, ClaudeLange, MartinSick, Bernhard2019-08-272019-08-272019978-3-88579-689-3 analyses are becoming more and more common in the Digital Humanities and tools are needed that focus human efforts on the most interesting and important aspects of exploration, analysis and annotation by using active machine learning techniques. We present our ongoing work on a tool that supports classification tasks for spoken documents (in our case: read-out post-modern poetry) using a neural networks-based classification backend and a web-based exploration and classification environment.endata mininghuman-in-the-loopclassificationfree verse poetryrhythmical patternsA Tool for Human-in-the-Loop Analysis and Exploration of (not only) Prosodic Classifications for Post-modern PoetryText/Conference Paper10.18420/inf2019_ws151617-5468