Beierle, ChristophKula, MarjaaWidera, ManfredBode, ArndtDesel, JörgRathmeyer, SabineWessner, Martin2018-01-252018-01-2520033-88579-366-0 a virtual university, advanced support for all aspects of handling assignments is needed. Homework assignments are particularly in need of help because communication between teachers and learners as well as between learners is not as easy as in presence universities. In this paper, we present an overview of the $AT(x)$ approach (analyze-and-test) for automatically analyzing and testing programs. We describe how $AT(x)$ is used for giving feedback to students working on programming exercises. The $AT(x)$ framework is instantiated to $AT(P)$ and $AT(S)$ aiming at programs written in Prolog and Scheme, respectively.enAutomatic analysis of programming assignmentsText/Conference Paper1617-5468