Kalb, HendrikKummer, ChristianSchoop, EricRohland, HolgerKienle, AndreaFriedrich, Steffen2017-09-292017-09-292011978-3-88579-282-6https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/4751Self-organised collaborative wiki work is reality in today's businesses and students have to be prepared for the resulting requirements. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to demonstrate and to evaluate a way to practice self-organised and loosely coordinated wiki work in higher education. We simulate a common enterprise 2.0 collaboration situation to convey competences in a graduate-level classroom and identify challenges in this context following action research principles. We conclude with a series of insights that help higher education teachers to overcome organisational barriers and provide technical requirements for wiki software engineering.deImplementing the "wiki way" in a course in higher educationText/Conference Paper1617-5468