Funk, MarkusRaschke, MichaelBoll, SusanneMaaß, SusanneMalaka, Rainer2017-11-222017-11-222013978-3-486-77855-7 introduce roboPix, a robot, which is able to paint action paintings from a user's thoughts using a Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI). The BCI provides signals, which encompass the user's recognized thoughts and the user's level of excitement. These signals command the movement of the robot's arm, which spreads the paint on the canvas. Our system combines explicit and implicit signals to personalize and affect the created painting. Furthermore, we implemented a feedback loop to engage the user in interacting with the system again after losing focus. This system creates a modern art representation of the user's excitement and thoughts at the moment of creation.enBrain Painting: Action Paintings based on BCI-Inputmensch und computer 2013 - workshopband