Klamt, MartinKoschke, RainerHerzog, OttheinRödiger, Karl-HeinzRonthaler, Marc2019-05-152019-05-152007978-3-88579-206-1https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/22611Discussing ubiquitous computing, the role of space is not quite clear. To get an understanding of the thinking on space, the main concepts of absolute, relational, and social space are explained. On this basis, the relation of space, technology, surveillance, and behaviour is concluded and exemplified by the results of a research project concerning video surveillance. Finally, it is argued what the consequences of the significance of space are and what in the end is ubiquitous about ubiquitous computing.enWhat is Ubiquitous about Ubiquitous Computing? – Space, Technology, Surveillance, and BehaviourText/Conference Paper1617-5468