Ruiz, GuillermoPatzelt, ThomasLeushacke, LudgerLoffeld, OtmarHochberger, ChristianLiskowsky, RĂ¼diger2019-06-122019-06-122006978-3-88579-187-4 paper presents the first progress made at FGAN/FHR-RWA towards the development of a robust autonomous method for the tracking of space objects with the Tracking and Imaging Radar (TIRA). For the acquisition phase an algorithm based on a Least-Squares Estimation of the state vector and f and g series will be presented and tested. For the tracking phase the suitability of the Extended Kalman Filter in mixed coordinates (EKF) and of the Piecewise-Constant Acceleration Converted Measurements Kalman Filter (PCA-CMKF) will be evaluated.enAutonomous tracking of space objects with the FGAN tracking and imaging radarText/Conference Paper1617-5468