Mirnig, AlexanderMeschtscherkjakov, AlexanderGärtner, MagdalenaBurghardt, ManuelWimmer, RaphaelWolff, ChristianWomser-Hacker, Christa2017-08-092017-08-092017https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/3211This position paper argues for a consistent vision regarding the implementation of autonomous driving in a fully automated traffic system. More specifically, it highlights differences in expectations regarding flexibility of individual traffic versus a fully autonomous and interconnected transportation system that is almost completely detached from the driver. The paper argues for a common vision, which could address some of the proverbial “elephants in the room” sooner rather than later.enautonomous drivingautomated drivingAutonomous Driving: A Dream on Rails?Text/Conference Paper10.18420/muc2017-ws09-0309