Bohring, HannesAuer, SörenJantke, Klaus P.Fähnrich, Klaus-PeterWittig, Wolfgang S.2019-08-272019-08-2720153-88579-401-12 now, XML has reached a wide acceptance as data exchange format in E-Business. An efficient collaboration between different participants in E-Business thus, is only possible, when business partners agree on a common syntax and have a common understanding of the basic concepts in the domain. XML covers the syntactic level, but lacks support for efficient sharing of conceptualizations. The Web Ontology Language (OWL [Bec04]) in turn supports the representation of domain knowledge using classes, properties and instances for the use in a distributed environment as the World Wide Web. We present in this paper a mapping between the data model elements of XML and OWL. We give account about its implementation within a ready-to-use XSLT framework, as well as its evaluation for common use cases.enMapping XML to OWL ontologiesText/Conference Paper1617-5478