König, UweWohlgemuth, VolkerPage, BerndVoigt, Kristina2019-09-162019-09-162009https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/26297As a product vendor in a market economy, you have to deal with competition. In the past many companies maintained and marketed their own, proprietary technical platforms and built their products on them. Such platforms were an integral part of the selling proposition for the products and, therefore, proprietary. Other vendors could not make use of them. In the last years software business has seen the emergence of a new approach for platform development: consortial software development. Doing consortial software development, many vendors build a consortium to cooperate. They do so even despite the fact that they are also competitors in the same market sector. These consortia aim at building a common platform that can be used by all participants as a base for their individual products. This paper analyses the most important aspects and implications of this development model. It shows the utilization of the consortial development model in industry sectors like automotive and the software industry. Additionally it shows that the development model of Open Source software is similar to consortial development.The impact of consortial development on software businessText/Conference Paper