Miller, HeatherHaller, PhilippAßmann, UweDemuth, BirgitSpitta, ThorstenPüschel, GeorgKaiser, Ronny2017-06-302017-06-302015978-3-88579-633-6Functional programming (FP) is regularly touted as the way forward for bringing parallel, concurrent, and distributed programming to the mainstream. However, despite this established viewpoint, reliably distributing function closures over a network, or using them in concurrent environments nonetheless remains a challenge across FP and OO languages. Our work on Spores takes a step towards more principled distributed and concurrent programming by introducing a new closure-like abstraction and type system that can guarantee closures to be serializable, thread-safe, or have custom user-defined properties. In ongoing work we explore the combination of Spores and Scala Pickling to provide a common substrate for type-safe, performant data-intensive applications.enA type-based foundation for closure-passing in the age of concurrency and distributionText/Conference Paper1617-5468