Neumüller, DenisTichy, MatthiasHerrmann, Andrea2024-04-082024-04-0820220720-8928 an understanding of a software system is an integral part of a software-reengineering effort. Even though many approaches for supporting the process of software understanding exist, to the best of our knowledge, none focuses on leveraging information from the algorithms implemented in a system. We believe that detecting well known algorithms in the code base can be helpful to gain knowledge about, which concerns are present in the code base, how they are solved and which components are involved. Our envisioned solution consists of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) designed to describe key features of an algorithm, a search algorithm to find these features and a set of “ready to use” descriptions for common algorithms.ensoftwareunderstandingreengineeringalgorithmcodeDomain Specific LanguageDSLTowards Detecting Algorithm Implementations in Code BasesText/Conference Paper