Navratil, RudolfMinier, PhilippeSusini, Alberto2019-09-162019-09-162004 Environmental Agency (SEA) is a governmental organization of the Slovak Ministry of the Environment, responsible for administration of the Environmental Information System of the Slovak Republic. Main goal of the Information system is to share environmental information between public administration bodies, governmental organizations, scientific institutions and citizens. Internet Map Server is a part of the Information system for serving spatial environmental data to the public. The paper deals with technological solution of the SEA’s Internet Map server including data collection, data processing and data presentation. Used technology consists of Oracle TM database, ArcSDETM application server, ArcIMSTM map server, ArcGIS TM clients and database thin clients based on DatasnapTM (Delphi7) three tier architecture. SEA’s mapserver presenting environmental information in Slovakia is available on: Server of the Slovak Environmental AgencyText/Conference Paper