Ackermann, LauraDomhardt, MichaelBurghardt, ManuelWimmer, RaphaelWolff, ChristianWomser-Hacker, Christa2017-08-092017-08-092017 items such as tools leads to a high amount of administrative tasks in universities and other non-profit organisations. Nevertheless, commercial automatic tool management systems are not affordable. We therefore propose an interactive low-budget loan system, which is adaptable to various contexts of use, ranging from closed communities like a university to public access. It can also be used as a sharing platform in public spaces and therefore contribute to a more sustainable way of consumption. To understand the requirements of the different contexts of use, we conducted and analysed in-depth interviews with relevant staff members and potential users. Based on these requirements, technical possibilities were considered and a first system concept has been developed. The concept includes affordable commercial-off-the-shelf hardware (e.g. Raspberry Pi), which enables novel interaction concepts, such as face or speech recognition. Additionally, its modular storage system allows a high degree of flexibility and adaptability while still being easy to produce, repair, and maintain.enLoan SystemSharingCircular EconomyLow-Budget System ConceptImplicit InteractionLeihwand: Requirements and Conceptualization of a Loan & Sharing SystemText/Workshop Paper10.18420/muc2017-mci-0363