Seufert, SabineZender, RaphaelIfenthaler, DirkLeonhardt, ThiemoSchumacher, Clara2020-09-082020-09-082020978-3-88579-702-9 paper gives an overview of the keynote and is structured in three parts: 1) What are current educational realities due to the COVID crises? 2) What are emerging trends and upcoming educational realities due to advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics? 3) How to shape digital transformation in educational institutions in order to exploit the potential of advanced technologies for desirable educational realities?enAugmentationAugmentation StrategiesPersonalized AI-enabled learningLearning AnalyticsImmersive LearningConversational LearningCurrent and Emerging Educational Realities - Shaping the Digital Transformation?Text/Conference Paper1617-5468