Bießmann, PaulGärtner, DanielDittmar, ChristianAichroth, PatrickSchnabel, MichaelSchuller, GeraldGeiger, RalfHorbach, Matthias2019-03-072019-03-072013978-3-88579-614-5 present an approach to estimate encoder parameters from previously MP3PRO-compressed, then decompressed audio material. The algorithm has been designed to identify the presence of spectral band replication (SBR), and for bit-rate detection. Furthermore, MP3 compression parameters like frame offset and block type are detected. As evaluation results show, the approach is able to identify SBR with a high accuracy, while the compression bit-rate detection is prone to errors, especially for higher bit-rates.enEstimating MP3PRO encoder parameters from decoded audioText/Conference Paper1617-5468