Duong, Manh KhoiDunkelau, JannikCordova, José AndrésConrad, StefanKönig-Ries, BirgittaScherzinger, StefanieLehner, WolfgangVossen, Gottfried2023-02-232023-02-232023978-3-88579-725-8https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/40334Due to the increasing importance of educational data mining for the early intervention of at-risk students and the growth of performance data collected in educational institutes, it becomes natural to employ machine learning models to predict student's performances based off prior data. Although machine learning pipelines are often similar, developing one for a specific target prediction of academic success can become a daunting task. In this work, we present a graphical user interface which implements a customisable machine learning pipeline which allows the training and evaluation of machine learning models for different definitions of academic success, \eg, collected credits, average grade, number of passed exams, etc. The evaluation is exported in PDF format after finishing training. As this tool serves as a decision support system for socially responsible AI systems, fairness notions were included in the evaluation to detect potential discrimination in the data and prediction space.eneducational data miningfairnessdecision makingmachine learningacademic performance predictionRAPP: A Responsible Academic Performance Prediction Tool for Decision-Making in Educational InstitutesText/Conference Paper10.18420/BTW2023-29