Kahlert, RolandLiebeck, MatthiasCornelius, JosephMitschang, BernhardNicklas, DanielaLeymann, FrankSchöning, HaraldHerschel, MelanieTeubner, JensHärder, TheoKopp, OliverWieland, Matthias2017-06-212017-06-212017978-3-88579-660-2Many events, for instance in sports, political events, and entertainment, happen all over the globe all the time. It is difficult and time consuming to notice all these events, even with the help of different news sites. We use tweets from Twitter to automatically extract information in order to understand hashtags of real-world events. In our paper, we focus on the topic identification of a hashtag, analyze the expressed positive, neutral, and negative sentiments of users, and further investigate the expressed emotions. We crawled English tweets from 24 hashtags and report initial investigation results.enText MiningTopic RecognitionSentiment AnalysisEmotion DetectionTwitterUnderstanding Trending Topics in TwitterText/Conference Paper1617-5468