Görlich-Bucher, MarkusDraude, ClaudeLange, MartinSick, Bernhard2019-08-272019-08-272019978-3-88579-689-3https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/25091The ability to withstand disturbances while remaining functioning in a desired way is regarded as a crucial element in the field of Organic Computing. However, current approaches to self-healing and robustness fail in considering hardware-related breakdowns. These disturbances differ from software-sided disturbances in various aspects: They persist until being repaired, therefore their removal necessitates maintenance actions performed by human repair workers. Furthermore, they may be predicted to a certain degree. In this article, we formulate a problem statement and various requirements an OC system must fulfil in order to increase its robustness against hardware-related disturbances. Furthermore, we present a working plan for a PhD project concerning the investigation of several aspects of the previously motivated problem statement.enOrganic ComputingRobustnessResilienceSelf-HealingPredictive MaintenanceDealing with Hardware-related Disturbances in Organic Computing SystemsText/Conference Paper10.18420/inf2019_ws551617-5468