Motsch, ViktoriaHauser, LukasSchuster, JuliaBauer, AlexanderBauer, ThomasBrunner, MathiasBarta, NorbertGronauer, AndreasMeyer-Aurich, AndreasGandorfer, MarkusHoffmann, ChristaWeltzien, CorneliaBellingrath-Kimura, SonokoFloto, Helga2021-03-022021-03-022021978-3-88579-703-6 usage of precision farming technology can be a key factor in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural processes. In particular, automatic steering systems as well as automatic section control systems are two of the main contributors for the energy savings potential in agriculture. In order to estimate this potential for Austria, the degree of mechanization and the local agricultural structure have to be considered. An online survey was used to determine the extent of these factors, with more than 1000 arable farms participating in the two and a half months of the survey. Approximately one-third of those surveyed stated that a steering system is in use, while RTK systems are only used by just over a fifth of the farms. Further, while more than half of the farms already use section control in sowing and fertilization, only around 15 % of them use satellite-supported section control. These findings imply a considerable savings potential.enenergy savings potentialautomatic steeringsection controlsurveyDissemination of precision farming technologies in Austria in the context of energy savings potentialText/Conference Paper1617-5468