Kaiser, ChristianDenger, AndreaFritz, JohannesEggenberger, GeorgSeidl, MatthiasButz, AndreasKoch, MichaelSchlichter, Johann2017-11-222017-11-222014978-3-11-034450-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/8185In this paper the proposed framework for a holistic tool-chain from system modelling to interactive visualisations is presented. The novelty of the proposed framework is the first-time interactive visuali-sation of SysML models by transferring it into an ontology with the intermediate step of XMI transformation and queries via SPARQL for the identification, description and illustration of partici-pating disciplines and aspects in product development. Focusing on the appropriate representation of data and interaction with data, a visualisation should assist users to use different aspects of the data on demand as a basis for communication and collaboration.enInformationssystemeWissensmanagementIndustrie 4.0Social SoftwareInformationsvernetzungFrom Lifecycle Modelling to Lifecycle Analysis - A Framework for Interactive Visualisation of Lifecycle InformationText/Conference Paper