Pankhuri, PankhuriAghamohammadian, Nasim2024-08-212024-08-212024 today's interconnected world, long-distance relationships (LDRs) present distinct challenges in maintaining emotional intimacy across geographical separations. This study investigates the dynamics of intimate communication within LDRs and examines the potential of AI-driven personalization to enhance emotional connections. Design workshops employing divergent and convergent thinking allowed participants to identify challenges and propose solutions across three themes: Enhancing Communication and Connection, Supporting Well-being and Engagement, and Addressing Technology Proficiency and Accessibility. Participants stressed the importance of personalized communication tools, AI-mediated interventions, and strategic planning to bridge emotional gaps in LDRs. The findings highlight the role of AI-driven technology in fostering emotional bonds and well-being in LDRs, emphasizing the need for inclusive and user-friendly technologies to support diverse user populations. By leveraging AI-driven personalization, this research aims to improve communication satisfaction, strengthen emotional connections, and enhance overall well-being in long-distance relationships, underscoring AI's potential to facilitate communication, deepen emotional bonds, and promote well-being and engagement for individuals navigating the complexities of distant connections.en Distance Relationships(LDRs)Emotional IntimacyAI-Mediated Communication(AI-MC)AI-driven PersnolizationDivergent and Convergent ThinkingBridging Hearts: Leveraging AI for Emotional Connection in Long-Distance RelationshipsText/Conference Paper10.18420/muc2024-mci-src-263