Bente, StefanRandall, NatashaWäckerle, DennisSchmolitzky, AxelKlikovits, Stefan2024-03-122024-03-122024978-3-88579-255-0 light of the rising ubiquity and accessibility of AI tools, software engineering curricula must be adapted in response, particularly with regards to coding education. We propose an extension to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, enhanced to a second dimension that represents the scope and complexity of coding tasks. The path that a computer science study program typically follows can be mapped onto these dimensions, and evaluated in the context of generative AI tool use, which falls into three core stages. AI should be initially banned, then made an explicit part of coding education, and finally ...enCodingChatGPTSoftware EngineeringEducationBloom’s Revised TaxonomyA Conceptual Framework to Transform Coding Education in Times of Generative AIText/Conference Paper10.18420/seuh2024_081617-5468