VargasJuan CamiloRoßnagel, HeikoWagner, SvenHühnlein, Detlef2019-03-252019-03-252019978-3-88579-687-9 General Data Protection Regulation represents great challenges for companies. This paper proposes a model of consent management for personal data that uses blockchain technology to help address part of these challenges. On the one hand, the model aims to facilitate compliance with the regulation and offer an agile tool for consent control and interaction between data subjects, controllers and processors. On the other hand, it aims to offer data subjects a tool to assert their rights and get bigger control over their consents and indirectly over personal data. A proof of concept was developed using Hyperledger Fabric and allowed to identify the benefits and challenges of the model.enGDPRblockchainconsentHyperledgerPersonal data economyBlockchain-based consent manager for GDPR compliance1617-5468