Putzinger, AndreasBrunkhorst, IngoKrause, DanielSitou, Wassiou2017-11-152017-11-152007http://abis.l3s.uni-hannover.de/images/proceedings/abis2007/abis2007_putzinger.pdfhttps://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/5037First, this paper introduces the concept and the upcoming features of Asynchronous Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AAHS). The design of a concrete system will show how the new principles can successfully be applied to build a generic adaptive help module which can be put on top of existing adaptive or non-adaptive web application without the need of refactoring.enTowards Asynchronous Adaptive Hypermedia: An Unobtrusive Generic Help SystemText/Conference Paper