Jannaber, SvenKarhof, ArneRiehle, Dennis M.Thomas, OliverDelfmann, PatrickBecker, JörgBetz, StefanieReimer, Ulrich2017-06-212017-06-212016978-3-88579-649-7When deciding about appropriate modelling languages, the degree of standardization often represents an important decision criterion. Although the EPC is commonly used for process modelling in the last decades, the absence of an official standard leads more and more to its nonconsideration. A coherent meta model is a pillar for the specification of process modelling languages. Accordingly, this work builds the basis for further standardization by providing an integrated meta model for the EPC. The resulting meta model therefore supports the invigoration of the EPC by impelling the future standardization effort.enInvigorating event-driven process chains - towards an integrated meta model for EPC standardizationText/Conference Paper1617-5468