Filieri, AntonioPăsăreanu, CorinaVisser, WillemGeldenhuys, JacoAßmann, UweDemuth, BirgitSpitta, ThorstenPüschel, GeorgKaiser, Ronny2017-06-302017-06-302015978-3-88579-633-6Probabilistic program analysis aims at quantifying the probability of a target event to occur during a program execution. Recent approaches exploit symbolic execution to compute the constraints on the inputs leading to the occurrence of a target event; the solution space for such constraints is then quantified given a probabilistic usage profile, which characterizes each input variable by a probability distribution over its possible values. Despite their generality and accuracy, these exhaustive approaches suffer scalability issues for large programs.enStatistical symbolic execution with informed samplingText/Conference Paper1617-5468