Karlapp, MarleneKöhlmann, WiebkeZiegler, Jürgen2017-11-202017-11-202017https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/6131Digital media offers multiple possibilities for inclusion of people with disabilities. Nevertheless, they pose barriers especially for blind learners as they hinder an active participation in synchronous learning settings. Virtual classrooms are a particularly good example for a complex media application as they combine various media types such as audio, video, graphical content and text which can only partially be perceived.Our work pursues the goal to facilitate an equal participation in virtual classrooms for blind users. In order to overcome these barriers, alternative user interface concepts for the display on a two-dimensional tactile Braille device have been conceived. Based on these concepts, the virtual classroom solution was improved thereupon. A subsequent evaluation simulated a learning session with blind users in order to determine the acceptance and usability of the software adaptation. This user study shows that an active participation of blind learners in virtual classroom sessions can be achieved by using multimodal output devices and alternative concepts.AccessibilityusabilityHMIvirtual classroomsuser studyblindlearners with disabilitiesAdaptation and Evaluation of a Virtual Classroom for Blind UsersText/Conference Paper2196-6826