Döbelt, SusenLange, DominikRoßnagel, HeikoSchunck, Christian H.Sousa, Filipe2024-06-072024-06-072024978-3-88579-744-9https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/44092A usable analysis tool that provides information on risky app behavior and offers options for action, can contribute to strengthen the digital sovereignty of smartphone app users. To this end, it should be tailored and meet the requirements of a human-centered design. Therefore, we conducted a lab test with N = 38 participants. They evaluated a prototype of our analysis tool in terms of its usability, transparency and potential to increase self-efficacy for data protection and privacy preservation. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of the tailoring by providing a congruent and an incongruent variant for behavioral stages. Both, usability and transparency evaluations differed positively from the average. Moreover, the interaction with the tool significantly increased the participants' self-efficacy and thus strengthened their digital sovereignty. Our tailoring of texts had a positive impact at least on the efficiency evaluation. This could be further developed by extended tailoring of e.g., the GUI.enUsable PrivacyUser ResearchHuman-Centered DesignTailoringDigital SovereigntySmartphone AppsStrengthen Digital Sovereignty of Smartphone Users: Evaluation Results of a Tailored Analysis Tool for App BehaviorText/Conference Paper10.18420/OID2024_121617-5468