Feth, PatrikBauer, ThomasKuhn, ThomasAßmann, UweDemuth, BirgitSpitta, ThorstenPüschel, GeorgKaiser, Ronny2017-06-302017-06-302015978-3-88579-633-6The increasing importance of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) yields new challenges for their systematic and efficient quality assurance. CPS are characterized by open and heterogeneous architectures and environments. For embedded systems, this implies a separation of the currently very tight integration of hardware and software components. Development and testing of these systems require new development environments that enable prototyping and testing of system concepts on different levels of abstraction. In this paper, we describe the extension of our FERAL framework to support the prototyping of automotive CPS by adding an AUTOSAR simulation environment. This supports the virtual development of next generation open architectures that integrate software components from multiple suppliers on one hardware platform.enVirtual validation of cyber physical systemsText/Conference Paper1617-5468