Petronzio, LucaAvellino, GiuseppePariente Lobo, TomásFuentes, Jose MariaYurtsever, SinanPillmann, W.Schade, S.Smits, P.2019-09-162019-09-162011 Web Portal represents an entry point on the Internet that allows users to access a centralized knowledge and information repository. In the TaToo project the Web Portal is the entry point to the Tagging and Discovery functionalities provided by the TaToo core framework. The aim is to supply a user front-end application which addresses user needs and that can be widely adopted across different domains and different locations. Moreover, a Web Portal benefits from the Web ubiquity increasing the number of possible users or the number of contacts from the same user. The users through the TaToo Web Portal are able to perform semantic searches for resources, to semantically annotate resources and to evaluate already existing resources or annotation associated with resources.The TaToo Portal – Tagging and Discovery within TaTooText/Conference Paper